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The Future of the Iraqi government
The Future of the Iraqi government The eventual fate of Iraq is in the possession of the U.S. also, with that the U.S. has vowed to colle...
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Research Methods - Essay Example me teachers functioning on a split site system since they spend more time travelling from site to site, thus losing contact time with other colleagues. Although departmental meetings are well attended, there are noticeably fewer discussions in the staff room, as break and lunch times are also travelling times. These issues, with their underlying themes, are generic in nature and are relevant in a variety of contexts and are listed below: Action research is about problem solving to extend knowledge (Hult & Lunnung, 1980, West et al., 1995, McConnell, 2000). My research question involves qualitative research, which lends itself to problem solving in a cyclic manner. It involves a planned reaction to a problem, followed by feedback, evaluation, critical reflection and discussion, to redefine issues concerned with the sharing of information. A greater awareness and understanding of an identified problem is developed over time, which should lead to a solution or improved practice. As Cohen and Manion (1994) point out, â€Å"An important feature of action research is that the task is not finished when the project ends. The participants continue to review, evaluate and improve practice.†However, Cohen and Manion’s approach of ‘review, evaluate and improve’ works well with quantitative research, or for one person trying to affect a change. It does not appear appropriate for uniform progression of a group and group activity over a longer period of time. Hence for a group to progress as a unit, emphasis on developing a consensus between its members is important. For these extended studies a conductor is necessary to form an extended cyclic approach including review, evaluate, conduct and improve. Improved practice and the opportunity to develop my own relationships within the group are important to me in order to develop a sense of worth. I have chosen action research as my method as it brings the interviewer closer to the interviewee, hence it lends itself to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Women in the Nineteenth Century Essay Example for Free
Women in the Nineteenth Century Essay Contributions to Psychology: Dr. Gilbreth was one of those rare breed of individuals who achieved widespread acclaim in more than one discipline, psychology and engineering. Dr. Lillian Gilbreth and her husband Frank (who never went to college) created the field of time and motion study. Although her doctorate was in psychology, she managed to blaze paths in engineering where she achieved many firsts and in psychology. Dr. Gilbreths brought and recognition of the importance of psychology to the work place and was the first person to integrate psychological concepts into industrial management, but she achieved as many, perhaps more accolades and honors in engineering as in psychology. Dr. Gilbreths ideas were not widely adopted during her lifetime (Maisel, Merry and Laura Smart, 1997), but she managed to blaze a path that management would follow in the future. Frank focused on the technical aspects of worker efficiency and Lillian focused on the human, psychological aspects such as the importance of job satisfaction, worker fatigue, direct and indirect incentives to motivate workers towards greater productivity and efficiency. (Maisel, Merry and Laura Smart, 1997) Ultimately, their work on worker motions was combined with Frederick Taylor’s work on techniques of time efficiency in the workplace. This combination evolved into time and motion studies, or time-motion studies, that improve workplace efficiency by reducing the number of motions used to perform a task. Passing: Dr. Gilbreth picked up her husbands banner which by then had also become her own and continued the pursuit of methods to improve the efficiency of business for nearly five decades after his death. She remained active and worked tirelessly well into her 80s. She was successful in pursuing a career while simultaneously leading a good married and family life until her passing at the age of 92. She was so successful at what she did that in 1944, the California Monthly called her a genius in the art of living. During her lifetime, Dr. Gilbreth achieved a lot, won many accolades and awards and managed to leave an admirable legacy of accomplishments to inspire others. Lillian Gilbreth died on January 2, 1972 at the age of 94 in Phoenix, Arizona. Summary and Conclusion: Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are the American industrial psychologists who are credited with inventing the field of time and motion study. Today, perhaps they are best known best known through the biographical 1950 film and book Cheaper by the Dozen written about their family life and their large family. Their impact on business and increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace was tremendous. In their analysis, each task in the workplace is analyzed by recording the therblig units used in a motion and optimizing the motion. Frank and Lillian worked together briefly as a team from their marriage in 1904 until his untimely death in 1924. Then, Dr. Gilbreth picked up the banner alone and continued to bear it and refine it. She lectured and taught engineering at institutions around the US and elsewhere. Today, Dr. Gilbreth and her husband Frank are recognized pioneers in the field of time and motion study and workplace efficiency. References: Burki, Mary Ann Mason, (1997). Women in the Nineteenth Century as Seen through History and Literature. The History Teacher. Feb. , 1975: 193+. JSTOR. U of L Library. March 22, 2005. http://www. jstor. org Carey, Ernestine G. , and Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. (1948, 1963). Cheaper by the Dozen, New York, NY: Crowell. Carey, Ernestine G. , and Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. (1950). Belles on Their Toes, New York, NY: Crowell.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Clive Staples Lewis (or Jack as he was known to his friends) was born in Belfast, Ireland, onNovember 29th 1898. His mother was Florence Augusta Lewis. His father was Albert James Lewis. He had an older brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis. When Clive was young his dog Jacksie was killed by a car, he decided that his name should be changed to Jacksie, but he was later called Jack. When Clive was seven, his family moved into his childhood home, in East Belfast. As a boy, Lewis was fascinated with anthropomorphic (considering animals, objects, etc., as having human qualities) animals. He became fascinated with stories that involved talking animals and he often wrote and illustrating his own animal stories. Clive loved reading, since back when he was a child there was no television, there wasn’t much else to do. Clive’s father's house was filled to the ceiling with books, he felt that finding a new book to read was as simple as â€Å"walking into a field and finding a new blade of grass†. "The New House is almost a major character in my story. I am the product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, upstair indoor silences, attics explored in solitude, distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of wind under the tiles. Also, of endless books." â€â€Surprised by Joy (C. S. Lewis’ Biography) Clive was taught by private tutors before he was sent to the Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire. Lewis's brother had enrolled at Wynyard School three years earlier. The school was closed soon after Clive joined, due to a lack of students to teach. After the Wynyard School closed, the headmaster Robert Capron was admitted into to a psychiatric hospital (I Searched this and was not able to find out why he was sent to a Psychiatric Hospital). ... ...rrounding cities into The Kilns. Clive tried to re-enter the military, he offered to instruct cadets, but his offer was refused. Clive married a woman named Joy Davidman in 1956, Joy was an American citizen that had once been an atheist and had converted to Christianity like him. Joy was soon after diagnosed with bone cancer, Joy died in 1960. Clive continued raising Joy’s two sons (from a previous marriage). In 1961, Clive was diagnosed with Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), the Nephritis was caused by a bad blood transfusion during World War One. On November 22nd, only one week before his 65th birthday, Lewis collapsed in his bedroom at 5:30 pm and died a few minutes later due to the end stages of kidney failure. There was almost no media coverage of Clive Staples Lewis’ death due to the fact that US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated that same day.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Companies that gives importance to their employees
Companies that gives importance to their employees BY 2141361 Companies that gives importance and value to its employee. Boston Consulting Group BCG invests â€Å"100-plus hours and thousands of dollars to recruit each consultant,†says the company's site, and it also claims to pay 100 percent of its employees' health care premiums. â€Å"Attracting top talent and maintaining an environment in which employees can rapidly develop have been key to our success and our ability to deliver enormous value to clients.Recognitions like this are a nice acknowledgment that our efforts are highly unusual and, based on our growth and client retention, ffective,†says Rich Lesser, BCG's chairman of North and South America. SAS Institute SAS has ranked in Fortune's Top 100 for 14 consecutive years, according to the company's web site. The company says that â€Å"if you treat employees as if they make a difference, they will make a difference. SAS employee rewards includes subsidized Montessori child care, unlimited sick days, a free health care center, and intramural sports teams. CEO Jim Goodnight says that â€Å"[we create] a culture that rewards innovation, encourages employees to try new things and yet doesn't penalize them or taking chances, and a culture that cares about employees' personal and professional growth. †Zappos. com Zappos accomplishes a mix of both â€Å"traditional†ways of showing employee appreciation, like company picnics and holiday parties, as well as more unique ways.Last year they held the Zfrog awards, which let employees pitch their own business ideas, â€Å"laughter yoga†classes, Tank Top Tuesday, and recognizing employees in different departments, such as Merchandiser of the Quarter. â€Å"l love working at Zappos; the creativity and fun we have here are unparalleled, at least by any other ob I've ever had. There are all sorts of people here: young and old; shy and extremely outgoing; ‘normal' andâ₠¬ ¦ weird. I love that Zappos embraces people of all cultures, styles, and personalities,†says one Zappos employee.DreamWorks Animation According to DreamWorks' careers site, â€Å"the work community is enriched with many special events including movie screenings, art and short film festivals, artistic development classes, and family get-togethers. †â€Å"We are committed to fostering a culture that embraces innovation, creativity, collaboration, and a solid dose of fun. †Throughout the year, the company offers its employees art shows, craft fairs, movie screenings, art classes and lectures.CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg communicates daily with his employees through blog posts and his staff appreciates â€Å"the transparency between the employees and the CEO,†says Dina Strada, Manager of Employee Events and Communications. Hasbro, Inc. On its web site, Hasbro writes: â€Å"We value our employees and understand that our success would not be possible without al l their hard work, dedication, and passion. †Hasbro employees have access to the company's fitness centers, half-day Fridays, rograms.Hasbro also makes sure to remember employees' children by participating in Kids Carnival, Santa Breakfast, and Bring Your Son/Daughter to Work Day. S. C. Johnson At the family company S. C. Johnson, 12,000 employees have access to a concierge service that will see to it that their chores get done. This ranges from returning overdue library books to making sure your dry cleaning gets picked up on time. â€Å"To make the best products for your family, we need the best people in our company family,†according to the company website. Also available are childcare for parent employees, and paid sabbaticals.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hardware analysis Essay
If any mistakes are found, he has assured them more work for less pay by making them enter all data twice, after which the computer will check for errors (Double-entry verification). This will also show who is to blame for mistakes. Output The website should be viewable on the 17inch CRT monitor. A large high spec TFT monitor is not needed, as it will only be used to see the end product of the produced website, and how it will look like to viewers on the internet. This display would be sensible to use, as the majority of internet users will be using a similar output. A standard set of speakers will be needed to test the audio files that shall be put on the website. A top of the range sub-woofer system will not be necessary, as the main purpose of the speakers will be testing. A regular set of 230w speakers should be more than fit for the purpose. A top-quality colour laser printer will not be needed to print out pages from his website. Instead the HP DeskJet 620 printer that will come with the PC he will purchase will be more cost-effective, and is adequate for its purpose as only a few pages are going to be printed on the odd occasion. It will allow him to print out pages in black or in colour from his website when and so he pleases, to see what they would look like to customers if they were to print out the same pages. BackupSecurity Strategy The website file containing the final system will be too large to be backed up on disk, as it could be well over a 100MB, due to images and video & audio files. Instead, backups shall be made at least once a week onto to as many recordable compact discs (CD-R) as needed. This process will usually take 8 minutes per recordable disc as Mr Murray is lucky enough to be receiving a 32x CD rewriter with his pc. All backup in a different location to where the computer containing the main system is, in case there is a fire, theft or flood. To make sure nobody can manipulate the website design, the computer with the website on it, and the website itself are both going to be password-protected. This will be very useful, as Mr Murray can protect the database from any unwanted intruders, and choose who he wants to have the responsibility of knowing the password. Even so, Mr Murray needs to remember to frequently change his password, in case someone finds out the password and gains access to the database. Most important of all, Mr Murray and whomsoever he chooses to tell the password to, must not write the password anywhere as this increases the risk of an impostor tampering with the design of the website. Although, the software package is quite costly, as mentioned in the identify section cost is not a huge problem for Mr Murray, as he has some family members who are ready to invest in the business. On the other hand, Mr Murray does not want to be paying large amounts of money, for a system which is not 100% guaranteed to work. Therefore Mr Murray has to find a balance, and go with the software package which he thinks is the most likely to work. After some discussion, Mr Murray and I decided that MS Publisher would be the most suitable software package for Mr Murray to use. in relation to the user requirements mentioned in the identify section. Microsoft Word could be used. As mentioned in the Identify section, it can be used to insert pictures & video clips, however it cannot be edited with as much ease as a true desktop publishing package. Front page Express would be a good choice, as it is specifically written for producing web sites. However, staff will need training, and the software package does not come cheep. Mr Murray’s advertising employees currently use Microsoft Works to produce their material. Microsoft Works is a very simple version of its bigger brother Microsoft Word. This means that staff may not need training. Microsoft Word not only includes graphics and fancy headings, but can also be used to insert video clips. Nevertheless, the cost needed to buy the program will be an issue, as Mr Murray is currently in debt from a bank loan. A desktop Publishing program could also be purchased. This would be a considerable package to consider, as it is specifically written for publishing, and can be used to publish a web site, which is accessible from anywhere in the world. Even So, there is the cost of buying the program to consider (as mentioned earlier), as well as the money and time needed to train staff. include data collection evaluation methods [In each section (e. g. video , dvd etc.. ) the best title will have a video clip of it attached on that section of the website. ]
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