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The Future of the Iraqi government
The Future of the Iraqi government The eventual fate of Iraq is in the possession of the U.S. also, with that the U.S. has vowed to colle...
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Future of the Iraqi government
The Future of the Iraqi government The eventual fate of Iraq is in the possession of the U.S. also, with that the U.S. has vowed to collect a majority rule government for the Iraqi individuals. Be that as it may, this will be a troublesome assignment, it won't come as effectively as it might appear. The U.S. can't simply democratize Iraq at weapon point on the grounds that a popular government can't be constrained on reluctant individuals. There is an enormous question of the U.S. what's more, what they intend to do in the Middle East. Numerous surveys from Western Europe demonstrate that even the U.S's. conventional partners feel that this war in Iraq is about the entrance of oil. The Arab individuals think even less of the Bush Administration and the war isn't helping his ubiquity by any stretch of the imagination. Indeed from the couple of surveys accessible, the Arabs imagine that the U.S. dissevered the assaults of 9/11.Before doing battle the Bush Administration ought to have had an unmistakable arrangement in t ransit they would democratize Iraq, yet they didn't.Collage of pictures taken by U.S. military in Iraq. ...Rather they had a wide range of proposition that were chopped down to three. The transient alternative, this is the place the U.S puts forth a genuine attempt to get a full working majority rules system in Iraq and just leaves everything under the control of the recently chosen Iraqi government. The drawn out alternative, which will take around ten years or more in were the U.S. begins without any preparation to set up equitable roots in Iraq. Another momentary alternative around two years, were the U.S. introduces a manikin system in Iraq and move the U.S. troops out.Option one is called Democracy Lite it is the place the U.S. invests a lot of energy causing a to going majority rules system and when this is good to go up the U.S. troops return home and leave everything to Iraq's...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American Dream Short Essay Essay
Since the United States of America was brought into the world the â€Å"American Dream†has been alive. At the point when it was first settled the â€Å"American Dream†was characterized as the capacity of having opportunity, majority rule government, and monetary solidness. Today apparently the â€Å"American Dream†has blurred there is neediness, wrongdoing, government taking full control, and the social classes have a bigger edge than at any other time. As per the article â€Å"More individuals express vulnerability in opportunity to accomplish the American Dream†the Washington Post-Miller Center Poll found that â€Å"almost 66% of individuals express worries about covering their families fundamental everyday costs, contrasted and not exactly a large portion of the open four decades ago.†The idea of buckling down, considering, and having the option to resign use to be simple however now this has become a hardship. As qualities have changed and the pace of society has expanded Americans need everything directly here and at this moment yet wear not have any desire to invest the energy forward, those that despite everything have the working mindset are the individuals who accomplish the genuine â€Å"American Dream.†People are turning out to be not so much spurred but rather more languid. We attempt to finding a simple answer for the entirety of our lives muddled issues, we no longer need to go to class, for it has become a â€Å"nuisance†and kids are following in the strides of those that are not insightful. Perusing this article truly opened our eyes. It’s not excessively the American Dream is unachievable, Americans just don’t need to work for it. We have gotten lethargic and feel like everything ought to be given to us, rather than accepting that we should work for our honors and make our chances. List of sources Morello, Carol, Peyton M. Craighill, and Scott Clement. â€Å"More People Express Uncertainty in Chance to Achieve the American Dream.†Washington Post. The Washington Post, 28 Sept. 2013. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Own Your Goals
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Own Your Goals When MBA admissions officers read your application, they want feel inspired by your personal statement; they want to feel that you have a strong sense of purpose and that you will aggressively work toward your goals. So, you need to ensure that you are not presenting generic or shallow goals. Although this problem is not industry specific, it occurs most often with candidates who propose careers in investment banking or consulting but do not have a true understanding of what these positions entail. For example, a candidate cannot merely state, “In the short term, when I graduate from Wharton, I want to become an investment banking associate. After three years, I will be promoted to vice president, and then in the long term, I will become a managing director.†This hypothetical candidate does not express any passion for his/her proposed course, does not show any understanding of the demands of the positions and does not explain the value he could bring to the firm. We suggest that to avoid these kinds of shortcomings, you conduct this simple test when writing your personal statement: if you can easily substitute another job title into your career goals (“In the short term, when I graduate from Wharton, I want to become a consultant. After three years, I will be promoted to vice president and then in the long term, I will become a managing director.â€), you know you have a serious problem on your hands and need to put more work into your essay. To effectively convey your goals, you need to own your goals. This means personalizing them, determining and presenting why you expect to be a success in the proposed position and explaining why an opportunity exists for you to contribute. For example, a former forestry engineer could make a strong argument for joining an environmental impact consulting firm (Note: This candidate would still need to explain why he/she would want to join one.); similarly, a financial analyst in the corporate finance department at Yahoo! could connect his/her goals to tech investment banking. Although the connection need not be so direct (especially for candidates seeking to change careers), relating your past experiences and/or your skills to your future path is still extremely important. This approach will add depth to your essay and ensure that the admissions committee takes you seriously. Share ThisTweet Monday Morning Essay Tips
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Fierce Warrior-Slaves Known as the Mamluks
The Mamluks were a class of warrior-slaves, mostly of Turkic or Caucasian ethnicity, who served between the 9th and 19th century in the Islamic world. Despite their origins as slaves, the Mamluks often had higher social standing than free-born people. In fact, individual rulers of Mamluk background reigned in various countries, including the famous Mahmud of Ghazni in Afghanistan and India, and every ruler of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria (1250-1517). Slaves of High Standing The term mamluk means slave in Arabic, and comes from the root malaka, meaning to possess. Thus, a mamluk was a person who was owned. It is interesting to compare Turkish Mamluks with Japanese geisha or Korean gisaeng, in that they were technically considered women of pleasure, yet they could hold a very high status in society. No geisha ever became Empress of Japan, however. Rulers valued their slave-warrior armies because the soldiers often were raised in barracks, away from their homes and even separated from their original ethnic groups. Thus, they had no separate family or clan affiliation to compete with their military esprit de corps. However, the intense loyalty within the Mamluk regiments sometimes allowed them to band together and bring down the rulers themselves, installing one of their own as sultan instead. The Mamluks Role in History Its not a surprise that the Mamluks were key players in several important historical events. In 1249, for example, the French king Louis IX launched a Crusade against the Muslim world. He landed at Damietta, Egypt, and essentially blundered up and down the Nile for several months, until he decided to besiege the town of Mansoura. Instead of taking the city, however, the Crusaders ended up running out of supplies and starving themselves The Mamluks wiped out Louiss weakened army shortly thereafter at the Battle of Fariskur on April 6, 1250. They seized the French king and ransomed him off for a tidy sum. A decade later, the Mamluks faced a new foe. On September 3, 1260, they triumphed over the Mongols of the Ilkhanate at the Battle of Ayn Jalut. This was a rare defeat for the Mongol Empire and marked the south-western border of the Mongols conquests. Some scholars have suggested that the Mamluks saved the Muslim world from being erased at Ayn Jalut; whether or not that is the case, the Ilkhanates themselves soon converted to Islam. Egypts Fighting Elite More than 500 years after these events, the Mamluks were still Egypts fighting elite when Napoleon Bonaparte of France launched his 1798 invasion. Bonaparte had dreams of driving overland through the Middle East and seizing British India, but the British navy cut off his supply routes to Egypt and like Louis IXs earlier French invasion, Napoleons failed. However, by this time the Mamluks were outmatched and outgunned. They were not nearly as decisive a factor in Napoleons defeat as they had been in earlier battles. As an institution, the Mamluks days were numbered. The Mamluks End The Mamluks finally ceased to be in the later years of the Ottoman Empire. Within Turkey itself, by the 18th century, the sultans no longer had the power to collect young Christian boys from Circassia as slaves, a process called, and train them as Janissaries. Mamluk corps survived longer in some of the outlying Ottoman provinces, including Iraq and Egypt, where the tradition continued through the 1800s.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
MBA Admissions Tips How to Get Into a Top MBA Program
The term top MBA program is used for any business program that is consistently ranked among the best business schools in a specialization (such as accounting), region (such as the Midwest), or country (such as the United States). The term might also refer to schools that are included in global rankings. Top MBA programs are tough to get into; admissions can be extremely competitive at the most selective schools. But in most cases, the hard work is well worth the effort. We asked admissions representatives from top schools around the country to share their tips on how to get into a top MBA program. Heres what they had to say. MBA Admission Tip #1 Christina Mabley, the Director of MBA Admissions at McCombs School of Business, offers this advice to applicants who want to get into a top MBA program - specifically, the McCombs MBA program at The University of Texas at Austin: Applications that stand out are ones that complete a good story. Everything in the application should provide a consistent story about why an MBA, why now and why specifically an MBA from McCombs. The application should tell us what you want to get out of the program and conversely, what you feel you will bring to the program. MBA Admission Tip #2 Admissions reps from Columbia Business School like to say that your interview is your chance to stand out among other applicants. When we contacted them, they specifically said: The interview is an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate how they present themselves. Applicants should be prepared to discuss their goals, their accomplishments, and their reason for seeking an MBA. MBA Admission Tip #3 The Associate Director of Admissions at Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan offers this advice for getting into their top MBA program:Show us through the application, resume, and especially the essays, what is unique about yourself and why youre a good fit for our school. Be professional, know yourself, and research the school to which youre applying. MBA Admission Tip #4 Isser Gallogly, the Executive Director of MBA Admissions at NYU Stern School of Business, had this to say about getting into NYU Sterns top-ranked MBA program:At NYU Stern School of Business, our MBA admissions process is holistic and individualistic. Our Admissions Committee is focused on three key areas: 1) academic ability 2) professional potential and 3) personal characteristics, as well as fit with NYU Stern. Throughout the process, we provide our applicants with continual communication and personalized attention. Ultimately, we want to ensure that each student who enrolls believes that Stern is the right fit for his or her personal and professional aspirations.Many applicants think the Admissions Committee wants to hear what we write on our website, which is not what we are looking for. Ultimately, what makes candidates stand out is when they are self-aware, know what they want and speak from their heart in their application. Each persons story is unique and compelling, and eac h applicant should tell his or her story. When you read over 6,000 essays in an admissions season, the personalized stories are the ones that make you sit up in your chair. More Tips on How to Get Into a Top MBA Program For more advice on how to get into a top MBA program, get more tips straight from admissions officers.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
DéjàVu Motifs of Hitler in Richard III(1995) and How...
It is not terribly odd to see directors adapt Shakespearian plays to a different era. In fact, contemporary elements in films like Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet and the most recent Much Ado About Nothing by Joss Whedon have definitely bring valuable new readings to the text. Embracing this trend, Richard III (1995) by Richard Loncraine shifts its background to 1930s Britain. Starring Ian McKellen as Richard, the movie makes an undeniable connection to Nazi Germany; very details include costume design, set and prop, and cinematography choices all closely relate Richard to Hitler, an equivalent villain from modern history. The choice of blending Hitler into Richard puts viewers now into the shoes of audience from Shakespeare’s time to†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The staging itself reminded the audience of how fascists use such panoramas: [†¦] Hitler at the Nazi Party Conference at Nuremberg in 1934 as reevoked in the monumental Triumph of the Will†( Crowl, 53). The huge red scrolls and banners with Richard’s badge of boar, the vast crowd waving red flags, all these imageries created by Richard Loncraine echo the past â€Å"glory†of Hitler when he convinced tamed German citizens with his mouth. Lady Anne is just another victim of Richard’s wooing tactic. In this version of Richard III, Anne is portrayed as a stunning young widow with no more faith in life. She dress in high fashion, frequently smokes cigarettes, injecting drugs, wearing scarlet nail prints when crying over her newly died husband’s corpse like the red comes from his blood. Several professionals associate the proposal scene took place in morgue with certain sexual impulse, indicating Ian McKellen’s Richard as a Casanova. For example, Professor Samuel Crowl sees a delicate strip performance: â€Å"McKellen managed to undress his upper body with one hand. Off came the greatcoat, then the leather strap over his military tunic supp orting the belt from which his sword hung, then the buttons of his tunic as he dropped to his knees, offering Anne his bright sword and his mocking heart in the same instant.†Like Lady Anne, it is hard for audience to deny this romance within danger. As McKellen’s Richard shedding his
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Infinity Essay Example For Students
Infinity Essay Most everyone is familiar with the infinity symbol, the one that looks like the number eight tipped over on its side. Infinity sometimes crops up in everyday speech as a superlative form of the word many. But how many is infinitely many? How big is infinity? Does infinity really exist?You cant count to infinity. Yet we are comfortable with the idea that there are infinitely many numbers to count with; no matter how big a number you might come up with, someone else can come up with a bigger one; that number plus one, plus two, times two, and many others. There simply is no biggest number. You can prove this with a simple proof by contradiction. Proof: Assume there is a largest number, n. Consider n+1. n+1*n. Therefore the statement is false and its contradiction, there is no largest integer, is true. This theorem is valid based on the Validity of Proof by Contradiction. In 1895, a German mathematician by the name of Georg Cantor introduced a way to describe infinity using number sets. The number of elements in a set is called its cardinality. For example, the cardinality of the set 3, 8, 12, 4} is 4. This set is finite because it is possible to count all of the elements in it. Normally, cardinality has been detected by counting the number of elements in the set, but Cantor took this a step farther. Because it is impossible to count the number of elements in an infinite set, Cantor said that an infinite set has No elements; By this definition of No, No+1=No. He said that a set like this is countable infinite, which means that you can put it into a 1-1 correspondence. A 1-1 correspondence can be seen in sets that have the same cardinality. For example, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9}has a 1-1 correspondence with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}. Sets such as these are countable finite, which means that it is possible to count the elements in the set. Cantor took the idea of 1-1 correspondence a step farther, though. He said that there is a 1-1 correspondence between the set of positive integers and the set of positive even integers. E.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, n } has a 1-1 correspondence with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 2n }. This concept seems a little off at first, but if you think about it, it makes sense. You can add 1 to any integer to obtain the next one, and you can also add 2 to any even integer to obtain the next even integer, thus they will go on infinitely with a 1-1 correspondence. Certain infinite sets are not 1-1, though. Canter determined that the set of real numbers is uncountable, and they therefore can not be put into a 1-1 correspondence with the set of positive integers. To prove this, you use indirect reasoning. Proof: Suppose there were a set of real numbers that looks like as follows1st 4.674433548 2nd 5.000000000 3rd 723.655884543 4th 3.547815886 5th 17.08376433 6th 0.00000023 and so on, were each decimal is thought of as an infinite decimal. Show that there is a real number r that is not on the list. Let r be any number whose 1st decimal place is different from the first decimal place in the first number, whose 2nd decimal place is different from the 2nd decimal place in the 2nd number, and so on. One such number is r=0.5214211 Since r is a real number that differs from every number on the list, the list does not contain all real numbers. Since this argument can be used with any list of real numbers, no list can include all of the reals. .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .postImageUrl , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:hover , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:visited , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:active { border:0!important; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:active , .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528 .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2f6d545f161054f53c81c6843cd0c528:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Incessant Desire -Symbolism Of A Poem, Painting And Song EssayTherefore, the set of all real numbers is infinite, but this is a different infinity from No. The letter c is used to represent the cardinality of the reals. C is larger than No. Infinity is a very controversial topic in mathematics. Several arguments were made by a man named Zeno, a Greek mathematician who lived about 2300 years ago. Much of Cantors work tries to disprove his theories. Zeno said, There is no motion because that which moved must arrive at the middle of its course before it arrives at the end.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Internal environment of business Essay Example
Internal environment of business Paper The structure and politics of an organization affects the manner in which the organization responds to environmental change. Furthermore, it can be difficult to change cultural attitudes when the nature of an organizations business environment has changed. Along with the external environment, internal environment Of an organization also keep on changing. The five elements of the internal environment which are physical, technological, social, political, and economic, influence how the manager functions will be performed. The physical element of the internal environment includes such factors as air quality, temperature, noise, dust, addition, and other conditions affecting me people health and safety. Managers revealed a high percentage of dissatisfaction with aspects of the physical environment of the workplace. The technological element of the internal environment relates closely to the physical element. It consists of the layout of the workplace; the process by which the work is performed; and the tools, equipment, and machinery used to perform the work. These factors in turn determine both the way work is processed and the requirements of the jobs performed by managers. The way in which work is organized affects interpersonal relations and in traction among the manager and employees within a work area. It influences the formation of in formal work groups and the degree of cooperation or conflict among manager and employees. The social element reflects the attitudes and behaviors of managers. Because of their influential place in the organizational hierarchy, top managers play an extremely important role in determining the quality of the social element. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal environment of business specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internal environment of business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internal environment of business specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The rules and regulations they devise, the concern they have for employees, the rewards and support they provide, and the tolerance they have for raying opinions are major factors in determining the organizational climate. Politics is an important social process found in all organizations. Organizational politics, of course, has the potential for being helpful or harmful to organizations and individuals. The economic element of a firms internal environment reflects the organize Zions financial condition. The more favorable this condition, the more financial resources the organization will have to support its human resources, including employee compensation and benefits. An organ nations culture is particularly relevant to managers. These constraints are rarely explicit. Its unlikely that theyll even be spoken. But theyre there, and all managers quickly learn what to do and not to do in their organization. The link between values such as these and managerial behavior is fairly straightforward. If an organizations culture supports the belief that profits can be increased by cost cutting and that the companys best interests are served by achieving slow but steady increases in quarterly earnings, managers throughout the organization are unlikely to pursue programs that are innovative, risky, long term, or expansionary. For organizations that value and encourage workforce diversity, the and, thus, managers decisions and actions should be supportive of diversity efforts. In an organization whose culture conveys a basic distrust of employees, managers are more likely to use an authoritarian leadership style than a democratic one. The culture establishes for managers what appropriate behavior is. For instance, at SST. Lakes advertising agency in London, a culture shaped by the value placed on freedom of expression, a lack of coercion and fear, and a determination to make work fun influences the way employees ark and the way that managers plan, organize, lead, and control. The organizations culture is also reinforced by the office environment, which is open, versatile, and creative. An organizations culture, especially a Strong one, constrains a managers decision-making options in all management functions. Managers shape their culture by having an organizational stories typically contain a narrative of significant events or people including such things as the organizations founders, rule breaking, reactions to past mistakes, and so forth. For instance, managers at Nikkei feel that stories told about the companys past help shape the future. Whenever possible, corporate storytellers (senior executives) explain the companys heritage and tell stories that celebrate people getting things done. These stories provide prime examples that people can learn from. To help manager learn the culture, organizational stories anchor the present in the past, provide explanations and legitimacy for current practices, and exemplify what is important to the organization. Corporate rituals are repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the values of the organization, what goals are most important, and which people are important and which ones are expendable. One of the best-known corporate rituals is Mary Kay Cosmetics annual meeting for its sales representatives. Looking like a cross between a circus and a Miss America pageant, the awards ceremony takes place in a large auditorium, on a stage in front of a large, cheering audience, with all the participants dressed in glamorous evening clothes. Salespeople are rewarded for their success in achieving sales goals with an array of flashy gifts including gold and diamond pins, furs, and pink Cadillacs. This show acts as a motivator by publicly acknowledging outstanding sales performance. In addition, the ritual aspect reinforces founder Mary Says determination and optimism, which enabled her to overcome personal hardships, found her own company, and achieve material success. It conveys to her salespeople that reaching their sales goals is important and that, through hard work and encouragement, they too can achieve success. Your second author had the experience of being on a flight out of Dallas one year with a planeload of Mary Kay sales representatives headed home from the annual awards meeting. Their contagious enthusiasm and excitement made it obvious that his annual ritual played a significant role in establishing desired levels of motivation and behavioral expectations, which, after all, is what an organizations culture should do. Many organizations and units within organizations use language as a way to identify members of a culture. By learning this language, me beers attest to their acceptance of the culture and their willingness to help to preserve it. For instance, Microsoft, the software company, has its own unique vocabulary: work judo (the art of deflecting a work assignment to someone else without making it appear that youre voiding it; eating your own dog food (a strategy of using your own software programs or products in the early stages as a way of testing them even if the process is disagreeable); flat food (goodies from the vending machine that can be slipped under the door to a colleague whos working feverishly on deadline); facsimile (actually talking to someone face-to-face; considered by Microsoft employees a technologically backward means of communicating); death march (the countdown to shipping a new product); and so on. Over time, organizations often develop unique terms to describe equipment, key response, suppliers, customers, or products that are related to their business. Managers are free intently overwhelmed with acronyms and jargon that, after a short period of time, become a natural part of their language. Once learned, this language acts as a common denominator that unites members of a given culture. When the financial health of a firm is strong, there is a tendency to expand managers activities such as training and development, employee assistance programs, and recreational activities. If the organization is growing, there is the possibility of expansion leading to manager recruitment, selection, and orientation. Conversely, when financial re sources are low, an organization tends to reduce its manager budget and to cut back the managers services it offers to its employees. The way in which work is organized affects interpersonal relations and in traction among employees within a work area. It influences the formation of in formal work groups and the degree of cooperation or conflict among managers. More and more, technological systems are being integrated with the social sys teems of an organization, creating what is referred to as a esthetically system. Job design is based on human as well as technological considerations.
Monday, March 9, 2020
This is an essay that takes place in Ancient Rome, from the perspective of a Slave who was captured in war and must teach the children of his new master.
This is an essay that takes place in Ancient Rome, from the perspective of a Slave who was captured in war and must teach the children of his new master. Teaching: A New BeginningMy name doesn't matter. I was just a slave of Rome. I mean, now that my sepulcher, tomb, has been inscribed, and an epitaph placed on, I am just a story in the wind. See, I started out in this world a free man in Greece, and by the time I was 20, the ups and downs of my life became more and more frequent, and my life became almost total anarchy, without rule. The vicissitudes and changes of my life kept getting worse and worse. Greece has just defeated us, and I have been sold into slavery. The Romans think they are omnipotent because they destroyed our civilization and forced us into slavery. In a way, all they did was destroy an excellent culture and conjured as if by magic, instant slaves. Many of the slaves lamented and wailed which is mourning the dead, for days.An 1852 Wallachian poster advertising an auction o...I ended up in the home of Augustus Alexander Socrates Plautus, my master. My job was to teach his children to make them ready and acceptable t o society. What I taught them prepared them for life, as well as academic success. Although, they did object to what I taught them when I taught it to them, I believe if they could see me now they would thank me."CHILDREN!!!! Settle down," I roared as the children and I sat down for our first lesson.Alexander Remus, the oldest replied, "Now watch what you teach us, make sure it isn't blasphemy, and doesn't go against our religion or the twelve tables.""I think I will judge what is acceptable and what is not," I sternly replied, with a hint of a smile."Okay, today we will go over the main goals of this course," I stated matter of factly to...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Starbucks company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Starbucks company - Research Paper Example The action for survival remained one of most important inside issues at Starbucks. Two years back, the company declared to close down overall three hundred stores and cutting more than six thousand jobs. Moreover, the pay cut and declined bonus of the higher executives were other marks of the crisis. Â At the same time they got reputation for development of new products and creativity. The availability of the branded coffee in several grocery chains is a remarkable creative effort. In collaboration with Kraft Foods the products were distributed in grocery markets. Starbuck has ended the long term contract, and announced the partnership with Green Mountain in order to improve their business. Moreover, the Starbucks are exposed to rises. The rising cost of coffee and dairy products are another challenge. However, the executives of the company failed to see certain facts. The products and services offered were not fit for the characteristics of market. The customer dissatisfaction iss ue is yet another problem. If retail is all about customer relationship, retail of Starbucks simply not attractive in present market. The current marketing strategies do not necessarily meet its objectives. That reflects the inside state of affairs.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Discuss the view that American urban government was more corrupt but Essay
Discuss the view that American urban government was more corrupt but more democratic than its British equivalent in the late nineteenth century - Essay Example Apart from these considerations, questions of class, race and gender, through topics such as the roles of women, the impact of slavery and the experience of immigration, are dealt with. Before delving any further into the differences that marked the individual approaches of urban governance for these two nations, it would be imperative to indulge in a minor ‘scene setting’ exercise. Besides sharing obvious similarities in terms of language, a liberal and cultural heritage, and a democratic political system, Britain and the United States have also had pronounced differences, for their economic, political, and social structures have developed in distinctive ways. If we were to compare and contrast the historical course of the two countries and explore the significance of their similarities and differences over a period of two centuries, we would come up with wide ranging and up-to-date analyses of such issues as industrialization and urbanization, democracy and politics, class and gender, and citizenship and welfare. That brings us straight to the topic at hand: In the late nineteenth century, was American urban government more corrupt, yet more democrat ic than that of its British counterpart? To understand the relevance of the question and its subsequent answer, one would need to consider the social structure of the two countries and justify the description of Britain as a class and America as a status society since the 1870s. This prompts us to explore the responses of the two countries to social problems and, in particular the reasons following which the two countries took such different responses to the question of welfare. Finally, by considering the relationship between welfare, industrialization, democracy, class conflict, social control and ideological change in the two countries, the purpose of historical enquiry and explanation will be reached. A
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Japanese American internment of 1942 Essay Example for Free
Japanese American internment of 1942 Essay The Japanese American internment which took place during the second world war referred to the relocation and confinement of over 100,000 people who were Japanese Americans or nationals of Japan. These people were taken to housing facilities which were commonly known as the war relocation camps. This internment was carried out selectively in the United States with most of those who were interned being individuals who were living in the west coast of the country. This operation of forceful internment of the Japanese American people was carried out during the reign of the then president of United States Franklin Roosevelt. He authorized this operation using the executive order 9066 which gave the military leaders power to change military areas to exclusion places where all individuals living in them had to be removed. Using this order, the military declared that individuals who were Japanese or who had ancestry connection with the Japanese were to be excluded especially in the pacific coast. This included those who were living in Oregon, Washington and in California. This order however exempted the individuals who were living in the internment camps (McClellan, pp 23). Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II? During the Second World War, the Japanese had formed an alliance with the Nazi’s of Germany thus posing great security risk to the United States. War panic thus broke especially after the Japanese attacked and bombed the Pearl Harbor. During this period also, there were so many Japanese and Japanese Americans who had settled in America following unsustainable population growth in Japan. Some of these Japanese and Japanese Americans had joined the American army thus pledging allegiance to the United States. However, due to the fact that Japan was an enemy, there was panic that the Japanese Americans who were serving in the American army could aid the enemies. Confining them was thus necessary to ensure that there were no cases of treason thus defeat of the United States and its alliances during the war against the Nazis (Kelly, Para 4). One of the major reasons which led to the Japanese American intern was the Pearl Harbor attack which took place in 1941. This made the United States to believe that the Japanese had prepared to fully attack the west coast. This believes intensified after the attack of shelling in 1942 which was a submarine belonging to the oil refinery of California. Japanese military conquest in most of Asia during that time also made United States to conclude that Japanese were unstoppable and that they could attack the country. Since most of the Japanese Americans were living in the west coast, they were considered a security risk thus there was a need to confine them to the internment camps. The fear of the attack thus led to the ultimate internment of the Japanese American people during the Second World War (Japan-101. com, Para 6). Another reason which led to the internment of the Japanese American people during the Second World War was due to what was referred to as the magic codes of the Japanese. During this period, the united states were unable to break the Japanese naval codes which were vital in enabling Americans obtain information regarding the Japanese ciphers. Military advisors argued that in case the Japanese naval decided to change those codes, America would not be able to break them again especially due to the language barriers which existed. The United States argued that by confining and prosecuting some of the Japanese Americans, these people could reveal some of the information regarding the Japanese ciphers. The effort of Americans to break the codes was generally referred to as â€Å"magic†. Breaking these codes was vital because battle of midway which Americans had won was attributed to the successful breaking of the Japanese codes (McClellan, pp 45). Some of the Japanese Americans were acting as spies for the Japanese naval which made the confinement of the Japanese Americans necessary. The spy ring which was a Japanese spying group increased the apprehension of the Americans concerning their security. The Nihau incident was one example of treason and espionage. This incident occurred after the attack of the Pearl Harbor. During this attack, two Japanese Americans were reported to have freed a Japanese pilot who had been captured and they also helped him in attacking the native Hawaiians who were living in that area. Such incidences led to the internment of the Japanese Americans as they were assisting the enemies of the country thus posing greater risks to the security of United States. Some of the Japanese American population was disloyal to the government of United States and this was a major threat to the Americans especially during the war period. To ensure that all the spies were not in any contact with the Japanese naval, internment was hence the means thus it was carried out (Japan-101. com, Para 8). The issue of interment revolved around prejudice and fear which American people had against the Japanese Americans. A report which suggested that espionage by the Japanese Americans had led to the Pearl Harbor attack only served to increase the prejudice which was already held by the American people. After this report California newspapers also endorsed this move of mass evacuation thus making the operation more successful. The then American politicians also openly supported this move thus making it more successful. The sentiments that the Americans held against the Japanese Americans thus aided in the internment operation. Other non military reasons which led to the internment of the Japanese Americans especially from the west coast included the competition which these people had brought to that area especially in the agricultural sector. During this period, the white farmers did not like the farmers who were Japanese Americans though this was mostly triggered by self interests. The Japanese Americans had brought high competition in this region especially in farming and as such, the white farmers thought that internment was a good avenue of ensuring that the Japanese were permanently removed from this area thus reducing competition in the farming sector. This was however not based on racial discrimination but the threat the Japanese were posing on white farmers (Japan-101. com, Para 11). It is also argued xenophobia also contributed greatly to the Japanese American interment. During the Second World War, Japan had gained considerable power while the United States had become weaker in military terms. By the fact that Japan had formed alliances with Germany and Italy, and the subsequent recession of the United States power, this threatened the superiority of the United States. Need to remain in control led America to declare the exclusion laws for all the persons who were being viewed as enemy aliens thus reducing any possibility of the Nazis winning. By concentration the Japanese Americans and interning the soldiers and others who were being regarded as enemy aliens, this reduced the purported threat of collapse of the superpower or attack by the Japanese. This also was meant to ensure that the Japanese never got to know the military operations of the Americans (Campbell, Para 3). Reasons which contributed to the Japanese American internment included racial prejudices which were widely held by the Americans against the Japanese and also flaws in the then constitution and the administrators. Today most people argue that the correct name for this operation could have been confinement rather than internment since this operation was not meant to punish the people but to ensure that no acts of treason were being carried out. However, this was a violation of human rights and the United States after the Second World War closed all the internment camps and most of the survivors were compensated. Also, in 1988, the then president of the United States apologized on behalf of the country to Japanese Americans who had gone through the internment (Kelly, Para 9). Conclusion The Japanese American internment continues to raise many questions about its validity and legality especially because most of the intermitted persons were innocent and not â€Å"alien enemies†. Although the government of the United States justifies its acts owing to the security threats which the Japanese were posing to it, these claims have been refuted saying that the threats were not real and that their magnitudes were highly magnified. Despite the flaws of the Japanese American internment of the Second World War, this period forms an important part of the American and the Japanese history. Work Cited: Campbell, Jason J. : Xenophobia and the Internment of Japanese-Americans. (2009). Retrieved on 27th March 2009 from, http://blogcritics. org/archives/2009/03/03/072730. php. Japan-101. com: Japanese American Internment Removal of Japanese and Japanese Americans during WW II. Retrieved on 27th March 2009 from, http://www. japan-101. com/history/japanese_american_internment. htm. Kelly, Martin: Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar during World War II. Retrieved on 27th March 2009 from, http://americanhistory. about. com/cs/worldwarii/a/internment. htm. McClellan, Jim R. : Changing Interpretations of Americas Past: Changing Interpretations of Americas Past, Volume 2. (1999). Published by McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0072285060
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Physics of Efficient Running Essay -- physics run running
Running is a natural form of human locomotion. To many, running is an essential aspect of most sports and is also a simple way that requires little to get exercise anywhere. But because many people have adapted to improper forms of running over time, numerous physical injuries are the results. With the help of understanding the physics behind running, people can learn to run in such a way that expends less energy from the body. Keeping physics in mind may also lead to less injuries and effortless running. Remember, physics can be very helpful when running! External Forces When Running According to mechanical physics, a force is an effect that may cause a body to accelerate. Also as stated in Isaac Newton’s second law of motion, force is a vector quantity (has magnitude and direction) that is proportional to the product of the mass of a body and its acceleration. F = ma : where F is force; m is the mass of the body; and a is the acceleration due to that particular force When running, there are four important external forces that definitely affect the kinetics of running: drag force, gravity, normal force, and friction. Drag Force Due to the interaction with air on Earth, runners experience a resistive force against the airflow. This is called the drag force, or air resistance. The equation for this drag force is given as : Drag Force = 1/2pvvAD where p is the density of the fluid (in runner’s case: air); v is the velocity of the runner; A is the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the runner’s velocity; and D is the dimensionless quantity called the drag coefficient. The drag force is always working against the forward motion of a runner, trying to move them in the negative horizon... ...energy. -Second, hip rotation also helps the runner to have a more natural and smoother run and again reduces the energy required to move the runner’s center of mass. -Finally, the pelvic rotation decreases the impact at contact with the running path felt by the runner. Bibliography Dreyer, Danny and Katherine Dreyer. ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running. Simon & Schuster. New York, NY. 2004 Dumont, Aaron and Chris Waltham. â€Å"Walking.†Physics Teacher. Sept. 1997. Vol. 35 Issue 6, p. 372. Inman, Verne T., Henry J. Ralston, and Frank Todd. Human Walking. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, MD. 1981 Watkins, James. An Introduction to Mechanics of Human Movement. MTP Press Limited. Lancaster, England. 1983. Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. Kinetics of Human Motion. Sheridan Books. Champaign, IL. 2002.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Immigration Problem in Istanbul
The immigration problem has always been one of the most important debated issues in Turkey, especially after1950s. It makes big cities more crowded and it also brings many problems together. These problems include economic, social, and environmental issues. Particularly Istanbul is in a great danger with the huge rate of immigration it takes. The city has not enough area for sheltering its continuous growing population as it has not also enough resources to feed them.It is very unhealthy to enlarge as rapidly as Istanbul with immigration because it brings economic, environmental, and social problems. Istanbul is the most urbanized and crowded city of Turkey. For almost 20 years, it takes internal migration with its economic and social opportunities; therefore, the city, which becomes one of the urbanized cities around the world, grows in an uncontrolled manner day by day. The population of Istanbul, which was not even 1 million in 1950, is now over 14 million.After a rapid industrial ization, a high level of immigration is normal and unavoidable for cities and it has some advantages as providing labor force but the migration to Istanbul get over the limits. According to Istanbul Governorship’s data, over 62% of people who live in Istanbul were born outside of the city. Since it is common that Turkish families are crowded, most of immigrant families have more than two children generally.This year, the prime minister of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan advised the community to make at least three children in order to protect the nation’s young population, at the time of his speech about International Women’s day. The elite class of Turkey may not affected by these events but the rural side of Turkey, and the lower class of the cities, mostly immigrants are influenced by the people whom they see as their idol. According to the high fertility factor, the native Istanbul population has become a minority in their homeland (Erman 541).It causes many identity problems beside its social and economic aspect. The mass migration to Istanbul caused economic problems such as inadequate shelter and unemployment. In â€Å"The Human Declaration on Human Settlements†, it is underlined that deterioration of conditions of shelter and human settlements particularly in developing countries has reached crisis proportion (591). As we know that Turkey is a developing country with its industrializing economy, the problems as I mentioned above are common in Turkey, especially in urbanized cities.Istanbul, the most industrialized city of Turkey, owns problems related to the excessive population concentration such as homelessness, increasing poverty, unemployment, inadequate resources, lack of basic infrastructure and services (592). Migrants who come to Istanbul for its job opportunities generally belong to the low educated agrarian society. They come to this big city with the dream of being a part of rich and modern urban. However, migrants compose the lower class of Istanbul with their lower education and economic situation.With their inadequate qualifications, they can work in low wage jobs. The squatter settlements issue begins with this problem. People who can’t earn enough money to buy or rent apartments they live in squatter settlements. Moreover, the other side of Istanbul, the welfare class which manage the industry becomes richer continuously. Because of this dual economy in Istanbul as all other urbanized cities in third world countries, the difference, and consequently the tension between rich and poor increase continuously.The labor class, which works hard, however cannot sustain their family become more aggressive day by day. The bloody 1 May (Labor Day) incidents can be explained with the rebel of this class. Crime rate. The mass migration to Istanbul and the rapid social changes occurred in the city caused the problematic issue â€Å"integration†of rural migrants into the urban society (Erman 541 ). They move into Istanbul, they become physically â€Å"urbanite†but since they cannot accommodate themselves in city life, continuing their rural traditions, they cannot become urbanite socially.They resist changing or they are forced to be an alien. As they live in communes, generally in squatter settlement areas, with the group psychology, they live their own culture as a synthesis of the rural and the urban. As they cannot become an urbanite, they don’t detach their relations with their rural villages and community. The concept of â€Å"hemsericilik†in Turkish language, it means clientalism, became one of the most important characteristics to evaluate a person. Largely, migrants compose the lower class of Istanbul with their lower education level and economical conditions.Their economic situation and their education have a strong correlation. Since their language and qualifications are lower, they cannot find high-wage jobs to increase their economic leve l. Poverty strengthens the alienation of them. They see the luxurious houses, cars, and lifestyles on the streets or on TV and as they can’t reach this lifestyle by working, they start to search the short way to own this shining life. The growth rate of crime in Istanbul is the result of this desire.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Organ Donation - 1305 Words
Specific Purpose: By the end of my presentation, the audience will donate their organs and tissues when they die and act upon their decision to donate. Introduction 1 Attention Getter/Credibility Statement: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six moth span that they had a kidney available only to find out that the kidney wasn’t a good match. He had to wait again. The third time was a charm. A small adult was in an accident and his kidney was a good match. This story had a happy ending but so†¦show more content†¦2 Review points- What if the person waiting on the list needing an organ transplant was someone you loved? Imagine if you had a brother or sister who had unexpectedly died and you were able to meet the person who received their heart, for example. Think of the satisfaction and possible comfort knowing that your brother or sister provided life for somebody else. 3 Clincher- I’m going to leave you with a short massage from Michael Jordan who is a sponsor for the Iowa LifeGift Coalition on Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness and appears in their 1996 brochure. â€Å"Please make the decision to become an organ and tissue donor. Remember: Share your life. Share your decision.†Works Cited Gundersen Lutheran Hospital (Lacrosse, WI): â€Å"Life†¦Pass it on.†Undated brochure. Iowa LifeGift Coalition on Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness:†Share Your Life, Share Your Decision. â€Å"1996 brochure. Iowa Statewide Organ Procurement Organization:†Be an organ donor†¦It’s the chance of a lifetime!†undated brochure. LifeSource: Newsnotes. October 2007. Accessed November 2, 2005. www.lifesource.org/newsnotes.htm. LifeSource: Questions and Answers. April 2005. Accessed November 7, 2005. www.lifesource.org/public.htm. LifeSource: Statistics. October 2005. Accessed November 2, 2005. www.lifesource.org/statistics.htm. South Dakota Lions Eye Bank: â€Å"No Greater Gift†¦ThanShow MoreRelated Organ Donation Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation wouldRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Donations Essay1323 Words  | 6 PagesPreviously organ donation has encountered organ donors and organ supply rejections. 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Others even applaud them for being a lifesaver. The question that lingers on many: Is it proper to charge for the organ donations or not? According to the Mayo Clinic, in United States alone, over 100,000 individuals are in the offing for an organ donation. Regrettably, several individuals may at no time procure the bid that a fit benefactor of an organ matches his or her one more wagerRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words  | 5 PagesBut by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.†Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. There are many shamesRead Moreorgan donation1007 Words  | 5 Pagesyou would help someone after you have passed on. Organ and tissue donation is a topic that does not get enough attent ion. Ninety-five percent of Americans say that they support donation yet the number of registered donors is much smaller (www.organdonor.gov). Anyone can sign up to be a donor. After death you can donate your organs. Each day 18 people will die waiting on organs. Tissues are also able to be donated. The age of donation do not matter. Some mothers donate the blood of theRead MoreOrgan Donation1237 Words  | 5 PagesSpecific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when
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